Saturday, August 22, 2009

McDonald's at the Park

As we were playing at the park, Jose and I were discussing the rubber flooring. I don't know if you can see from the pictures, but it is like one big rubber mat. I asked him if he thought it was durable. Before he could respond Jos piped up, "Yeah... dur-ble... yeah" as if she actually knew what she was saying.

We also meet a very outgoing, yet friendly, squirrel that ran right up to see what was for lunch today.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

One Week Later

As I was putting Joslin's laundry away one morning, she kept her self busy digging through a box of garage sale clothes from Grandma Rose. I turn around to find that she has replaced her pajama bottoms with some rocking shorts (backwards of course).

Friday, August 7, 2009


Joslin is not the most patient when it comes to fine motor tasks. Puzzles and shape sorters are a source of frustration. She tries once...pushes harder...push harder and grunts...then yells for mom or dad to do it. She loves to try on mom and dad's shoes, but putting on her own in much harder. This morning I got out of the shower and found this. She was super proud of herself. And, I only heard a few grunts as she was working on it.

Not a care in the world

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Girly Girl

This was first thing at 7:00 in the morning, Joslin grabbed her purse before she came to the door and called for me.