Saturday, October 24, 2009








Thursday, October 15, 2009

Young Bloggers!

I finally got my students' blog started. They are completely in charge of maintaining it. I hope to use it as a communication tool with parents, as well as a way to teach some Internet safety and computer skills. They seem to like having complete ownership. Each week a pair of "blog editors" take the pictures, write the post, upload the pictures, edit the post, and then I hit the publish button. the best part for me is that they then become our classroom "experts", and are in charge of helping next weeks pair if they have questions. So far so good...
Check it out here

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Fest

Soup, Pumpkins, Cool Weather, Coffee and Lots of Love.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


It use to be that Joslin would just mumble as she "read". Mimicking what she saw mom do. Now, she has started re-telling what she remembers using the pictures for clues. The other day I caught her "reading" Arthur's Eyes. She was saying some of the exact phases with the correct pages. I continue to be amazed and fascinated by the language/memory development process.
Today she was re-telling a Dora story. She pointed to and named all of the characters as she explained what they were doing. I just sat back and observed.

Notice Joslin's new "smile". Now anytime she sees me with the camera, she raises her shoulders and scrunches up her face. What a silly girl.

Costume Shopping

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Taste of Newton

Once again... good food, good friends, good time.