Joslin now has two bottom teeth. They arrived a few weeks ago around the same time as the sleepless nights. Correlation...maybe. Now she is back to her old self and sleeping better than ever. Cross your fingers that it continues. She quickly put her new teeth to work chewing the side of her crib. She started when she only had one tooth, and she made some serious progress. I would like to include a picture, but there is no way I am going to wake my sleeping baby for that one.
We also went to the doctor for her 9 month check-up. This was the best check up yet because, we did not have to get any shots! It also got me a half-day off of school, and breakfast out as a family. You really can't beat that. She weighed in at 17 lbs 1 oz and is 27 1/2 in long. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I have found myself holding her a little longer each night when I am putting her to bed.
Joslin has also learned several new tricks. I think that clapping is her favorite. She practiced for a long time (weeks) before she was able to make any noise. You should have seen the look of accomplishment on her face the first time she made that little "smack".
My favorite is the waving. There is nothing better than when I see her at the end of the day, and I get a huge smile and a big wave!
Giving high fives is another trick of hers, but she seems to save that one for special occasions only. Like, when she saw Jilly last Saturday!
We also went to Hesston for Joslin's 9 month portraits. We are definitely in the thick of the stranger anxiety phase. He did a wonderful job with her and was incredible patient, but she just would not cooperate. We ended up getting two usable pictures. Here is the one from his website.

Oh, she is getting big! Thanks for the update--it makes me miss you even more, though!!
Is that girl not wearing any bottoms in the photo?? Miss you -
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